Higher Education Web Design and Development

A Higher Education Website Design Firm

Third Wave Digital knows the importance of adapting college and university web marketing to capture the attention of today's tech-savvy audience. We stay on top of current web trends and practices to help you accomplish your web marketing objectives.

Desktop computer monitor displaying a university website

Desktop computer, tablet and phone displaying a responsive website for higher education

Responsive Website Design & Development For Colleges and Universities

In order to provide a seamless experience across a wide array of platforms and operating systems, Third Wave Digital offers custom responsive website design and code which adapts content based on the capabilities of the browser and device seamlessly. This development technique detects the user’s platform and delivers content in a format optimized for that device.

Higher Education Website Design Services from Third Wave Digital helps your college or university:

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Website Design: Third Wave Digital excels in website redesign, transforming your institution's online presence with modern, fully responsive layouts and advanced functionality that meet the evolving demands of higher education.

Decorative graphic representing an online interactive campus map

Interactivity: We create immersive interactive modules, like virtual tours, academics explorers, and detailed campus maps, to provide prospective students a dynamic and engaging way to discover your institution remotely.

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Accessibility: Our expertise in ADA/WCAG compliance ensures your website is accessible to all users, meeting stringent standards for inclusivity and usability online.

Decorative graphic representing Content Management System for College websites

Content Management System: Third Wave Digital offers an easy-to-use yet powerful content management system, empowering your team to effortlessly manage and update website content, keeping it fresh and relevant.